With the longer days and warmer temperatures on the way plenty of us will be deciding to get some spring cleaning done to freshen up our homes. With that in mind, here are some helpful spring cleaning tips that will bring you great results around the home and make cleaning that little bit easier.
Photo of my kitchen above was taken by my interior designer – Holly Scott Interior Design.
Spring Cleaning Tips – General
Use Natural Products For Cleaning
One of my top spring cleaning tips is to use natural products where possible. Using homemade vinegar formulas to create your own cleaning product can help save money and benefit the environment. To create your own all purpose cleaner, mix together equal amounts of white vinegar and water. Add a few drops of essential oil for a milder fragrance if you wish. Put the mixture in spray bottles to make cleaning easier. Spray and wipe off with a damp cloth.
You can find more natural cleaning tips that really work here.
Air Your Home
This is one of the easiest spring cleaning tips! Open up the windows and let some fresh air in! (I do this a few rooms at a time if it is chilly outside.) Fluff pillows or sofa cushions while the windows are open. If you can, remove the bedding from the beds and air mattresses.
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Laundry Room
Washing Machines
Run a hot cycle (at least 60°C or higher) on your washing machine to get rid of any nasties that are lurking in the drum. Your clothes will be cleaner after they are washed and they will also smell better. Be sure to wipe down seals and clean the outside of the machine as well.
Clean Your Iron
One of the spring cleaning tips that people often forget is to clean their iron. Keeping your iron clean can help you avoid leaving tough stains on clothes by mistake.
To clean your iron, simply put it on a low heat and place a new tumble dryer sheet on your ironing board on top of an old t-shirt or piece of fabric. Rub the iron with the dryer sheet and you’ll find any dirt will loosen up and you’ll be able to wipe it clean using a clean cloth.
Descaling your iron is also important. You can use an equal mixture of white vinegar and water to do this. Follow the instructions for your iron, and follow up by using some plain water just to remove the vinegar scent.
Spring Cleaning Tips for Bedrooms
Beds and Bedding
Wash mattress covers and vacuum the mattresses to remove dust mites. Turn your mattresses if this is recommended by the manufacturer. I like to air the mattresses as mentioned above too.
Go through your sheets and other bedding, sorting out old or damaged pieces for recycling. See what needs replacing and give your linen closet a tidy up. Put fresh bedding on the beds. Consider adjusting covers and decorative pillows for the seasons.
I love it when all the beds are freshly made!
Closets and Drawers
Spring is a great time to refresh your wardrobe and clean out closets and drawers.
Spring Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen
Herbs and Spices
Sort through your herbs and spices and get rid of anything that is out of date or has lost its zing. If you have a lot of spices you just do not use, consider getting rid of them to make way for the spices you do use. I used to think that I had to have every spice under the sun on hand, but you only need the spices you will actually use.
After you have sorted through your herbs and spices, wipe down the cupboard and put everything back where you can find it.
Kitchen Cupboards
Sort through cupboards, moving along anything that is past its best, be that food items or things you no longer use. Donate or recycle what you can to avoid creating waste. Give the cupboards and good wipe down inside and out and then put things back where you can find them.
Wooden Chopping Boards
Wooden chopping boards should be cleaned regularly, so it is a good idea to make this a part of spring cleaning as well. Stains can be removed by putting lemon juice on the board and leaving it overnight, and then washing well with soapy water and drying the board thoroughly.
Wipe the seals on your dishwasher and clean the racks thoroughly. Put a small ramekin or bowl full of vinegar in the top rack and run the dishwasher empty (except for the vinegar-filled ramekin or bowl) on a hot cycle to clean the inside.
Stainless Steel
Just a tiny bit of baby oil polished over your stainless steel appliances with a clean cloth can make them gleam. (Be sure to test in a small inconspicuous area of the appliance first.) I used this tip regularly when I had stainless steel sinks.
Cleaning Your Oven
Giving your oven a good clean can be a daunting prospect. If, like me, you do not like commercial oven cleaners, you can make a natural cleaning solution by making a paste with baking soda and water and applying it liberally to your oven. After about 20 minutes you can use a non-abrasive scrubber to remove the paste. Rinse thoroughly.
This is a tip I used in the past as I now have self-cleaning ovens. If you have a self-cleaning oven, be sure to follow the directions provided by the manufacturer. Most self-cleaning ovens will be damaged if you use any form of cleaning product, even natural products, on them.
Spring Cleaning Tips for Bathrooms
Give the bathroom(s) a good clean, from the floor to the ceiling. Wash any bathmats, towels etc. Go through towels and recycle and replace any that are worn or frayed.
Cleaning Your Tiles
Wipe down the tiles on walls and in showers using a mild cleaning solution.
Mould on grouting can be unsightly and tough to get rid of. It is best to clean surfaces regularly so mould does not build up, however if it does, and the grouting is white, you can use a diluted bleach mixture to remove it. Bleach will remove the colour from coloured grouting.
Use no more than 4 ounces of bleach to a gallon of water as straight bleach is very toxic. Apply the mixture with an old toothbrush directly to the grout. Always test on an inconspicuous area first though and be sure to wear protective gloves. Let it sit for about half an hour before rinsing thoroughly.
For a milder cleaning solution, mix two parts baking soda to one part water and apply the paste to grouting using an old toothbrush. Rinse well with plain water afterwards.
Spring Cleaning Tips Summary
Be sure to wear protective gloves when cleaning and always be careful when using toxic substances. Protect surfaces which can be damaged and always test any cleaning product, natural or otherwise, on an inconspicuous area first. Follow directions on commercial cleaning products and check manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations for appliances, sanitary wear and any surfaces.
Take your time. Everything does not have to be done all at once or by you alone. If you need some help, paid or otherwise, that is perfectly fine too!
Disclaimer: These are spring cleaning tips I use regularly in my own home. Always go carefully when trying a new cleaning technique and test any new cleaner, natural or otherwise, on a small, inconspicuous area first. Try these tips at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred if the tips provided do not work or cause damage.
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